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Improvements, fixes and adjustments have been made to the core issues to fix frequently occurring issues, bugs and negatives that affect the gaming experience.
Here are the issues included in this hotfix.

  • Over/under score bug in the PvP Leaderboard and other Leaderboards have been made.
  • A bug that was causing chapters to sometimes get stuck in the last wave of the game has been fixed.
  • Fixes have been made to the Garrison Tower’s workings and bugs.
  • The obstacle roadblock bug in Epic+++ Chapters has been fixed.
  • Structure and bug fixes for the Drone Launcher have been made.
  • Bug fixes have been made to the interactions of unit spawn cards with enemies.
  • Fixes have been made to Orion and his skill’s working and bugs.
  • Fixes have been made to Kenji’s mechanics and bugs.
  • Mecha Nest utility and bug fixes have been applied.
  • Bug fixes have been made to Sleep Mist.
  • Daily Login missions’ bug has been fixed.
  • The feature to be able to view and report your opponent’s user profile from the stats screen after a PvP match has been added.
  • The feature to view the level up and upgrade information for Heroes that have not yet been unlocked has been added.
  • Visual issues in PvP power grids have been fixed.
  • Animation issues with Mai in the Elite League Leaderboard have been fixed.
  • Numerous random crashes and bugs have been fixed.
  • Adjustments have been made to the Call Pin, which was causing skill disadvantage due to the speed of the Call Pin duration during the match, and again the time used has been adjusted to be added to the skill usage.
  • The skills that the Big Horn boss should do have been fixed and made functional.
  • Detailed fixes have been made to the melee heroes due to the hit issue, so that they do not deal the damage shown in the number. These corrections have been visually fixed and the damage per hit has been fixed. Accordingly, Kenji, who now deals all damage due to the stability of the hit, has received a 12% buff and Thorn has received an 7% buff, despite the visible values.