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We have another hotfix news due to many bugs, big and small on Defender’s Corner today! We are grateful for your support in the process of fixing all the bugs.
Here are the major fixes for this hotfix; we will also update you in the coming days for other fixes and balances that are expected, balanced, but still in process.

  • Bugs related to wall skill has been fixed.
  • Combination of bugs related to Squad Skill has been fixed.
  • Bug about not displaying information when a hero is on traps have been fixed.
  • Bug related to Mai’s Elite League Leaderboard display has been fixed.
  • Fireworks’ mechanical bugs have been fixed.
  • Bugs in the interaction of towers that spawn units such as Drone Launcher & Garrison with enemies have been fixed.
  • Bugs in towers that spawn units like Drone Launcher & Garrison in PvP and other modes have been fixed.
  • Bugs in Osiris’ skill in PvP have been fixed.
  • Bugs in MechaNest have been fixed.
  • Bugs in the amount of BrawlCoin earned at the end of BossBrawl levels have been fixed.
  • Bugs in the EliteLeague levels have been fixed.
  • Path blocking issues with obstacles in EpicChallenges levels have been fixed.
  • Lantern Festival skill bug in PvP has been fixed.
  • Visual bugs in PvP star level increases for all heroes have been fixed.
  • Components of the display differences between the PvP Leaderboard in PvP Chapter Selection and the PvP Leaderboard in Settings have been fixed.
  • Bugs in enemy targeting mechanics have been fixed.
  • Bugs related to the enemy call button have been fixed.
  • Bug that was causing boosts to be slightly exaggerated in Epic Challenge modes has been fixed.
  • The Mission and Daily Reward system has been combined into a single icon.